changes in law | In Principle

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changes in law

already in force
Facilitation of biogas plants: An overview of the most important changes in legislation
Developing a biogas plant: From siting to operation from an environmental point of view
The development process for a biogas plant
Agricultural biogas in Poland: What you need to know in 2024
The end of greenwashing in the EU?
Q&A: Poland’s deposit-refund scheme
Uncork the QR codes!
Reduction in fees for requests for a statement of grounds for rulings
Cheaper requests for conciliation
The master plan
Integrated development plan
The urban register and instruments of public participation
How to determine land development conditions
Amendment to the Trading in Financial Instruments Act: What has changed for the corporate agent of an investment company?
Environmental aspects of real estate development: What will 2024 bring?
No payment guarantee in contracts for construction works with the State Treasury
In public procurement procedures, foreign financial contributions must be reported
A deposit-refund scheme is on the way
VAT sanctions: Amendments under the Slim VAT 3 package
Will it be harder to obtain interim relief in intellectual property cases from July 2023?
Amendments to the Strategic Investment Programme for 2011–2030
The European Commission may now investigate subsidies from third countries
The role of the founder and bodies of a family foundation
Amendments to the Nuclear Special Act and the Atomic Law
Extending the validity of medical device certificates (March 2023)
Overview of major changes to the Construction Law
The planning gap: Change of the rules for determining compensation and planning fees
The Electronic Construction Daily Log
The latest and planned changes in corporate law: Continuation of bringing companies online
Electricity Price Act: What SMEs should pay attention to
Subsidised electricity prices for SMEs, i.e. for whom?
Public Roads Act: More administrative decisions are transferrable
Crowdfunding: A way for companies to raise capital
The new pre-emptive right and other regulations on revitalisation in Warsaw
A sudden return to deducting contractual penalties in public procurement
Will drivers face an increase in third-party liability insurance premiums?
Russian contractors barred from Polish public procurement
Changes in anti money laundering law
Will a tax exemption attract investors to the Warsaw Stock Exchange?
Will newly listed companies on the Warsaw Stock Exchange benefit from new tax regulations?
Recast regulation on export control of dual-use items: What will change?
New calculation of the capacity fee
No more paper applications to the National Court Register
Will the Housing for Land Act increase the number of housing developments?
Illegal use of a structure: Fines ruthlessly pursued
Next phase in limitation and extinguishment of reprivatisation claims to Warsaw properties
A new approach to construction design
Narrower set of parties in cases seeking a building permit
Transfer of a building permit without the consent of the prior investor
New rules for legalisation of unlawful construction
new provisions
EU law on medical devices: New transition periods and other changes
KNF’s new Recommendation U includes guidance for bancassurance and insurance distribution channels
Pay Transparency Directive: Strengthening the principle of equal pay in the European Union
Public procurement: Once again, a criminal record certificate should come from the contractor’s home country
Sale of energy drinks to minors will be banned
Will pharmacy M&A still be possible?
The benefits from starting a family foundation
Running a business through a family foundation
Taxes and the family foundation
Reducing the risks of setting up a family foundation
Advertising of medical devices: Currently only with warnings
Intellectual property: Changes in interim injunction and enforcement proceedings
Another overhaul to the Civil Procedure Code: Key provisions
Rules for siting of onshore wind farms liberalised
The housing cooperative: A new approach for implementing residential projects
EU tenders: Foreign subsidies must not distort competition
New law on corporate groups enters into force in October 2022
The business judgment rule
Binding instructions for conduct of the company’s affairs under the new Holding Law
Squeezeout and buyout under the new Holding Law
The Holding Law in practice: Do companies need to amend their articles of association?
New provisions on by-products
Minister of Infrastructure takes first step on new offshore wind permits in Poland
The new Developers Act: What will change?
Reservation agreement: What shape will it take under the new Developers Act?
New rules for handover of residential units and single-family houses
Change of information obligations of banks in the new Developers Act
Date of entry into force of the new Developers Act and transitional provisions
The amendment to the Administrative Procedure Code of 11 August 2021: What does it actually mean, and does it live up to the declarations of the authorities?
“Slim VAT 2”: Another reform of VAT settlements
Tax strategy: A step toward transparency or just more red tape?
New waste storage requirements
What will be the fate of applications for building permits prepared under the old energy-efficiency standards?
Amendments to the Inheritance and Gift Tax Act
Abusive clauses under the new Public Procurement Law
Control of certain investments: new protective provisions
IP courts: Cancellation of trademarks and industrial designs not only before the Patent Office
IP courts: Change in regulations on information claims from 1 July 2020
IP courts: Will it be easier to prove infringements?
IP courts: Changes in proceedings for protection of intellectual property
Changes in taxpayers’ dealings with the tax authorities and administrative courts: Shield 3.0
Can a business be a consumer? Yes, from 1 June 2020
Contractual advantage: Examples of potentially prohibited practices
How to establish collateral on investment certificates of closed-end investment funds?
Doubts about the act on GMO-free products
Public companies must adopt a compensation policy
Mandatory websites for joint-stock companies
The simple stock company
Can entrapment help to prosecute companies?
Legal actions of a “false” corporate body can be saved. But all of them?
Deregulated public procurement
Sustainability reporting: The Polish proposal for implementing the CSRD
How could the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation change the economy?
New automotive emissions reduction targets: Which vehicles will they cover?
Important amendments to the Foreigners Act
Protecting the environment through criminal law: It is time for new provisions
A tax on combustion vehicles?
Bill on certification of public procurement contractors
The end of fast fashion? New regulations will soon cover textiles
New cars from used parts? It is time for new automotive regulations
Should food producers fear explanatory proceedings? The notification system for initial marketing of dietary supplements and other foodstuffs
Scientific advice in clinical trials
Legislative work aimed at phasing out the right of perpetual usufruct is underway
Greenwashing: How to communicate without misleading?
European Sustainability Reporting Standards
(R)evolution in packaging
Proposed revision of rail transport regulations
Hydrogen regulations headed for public consultation
New sustainability reporting
Vehicle forfeiture: A problem for employers?
EU proposes Regulation on nature restoration
Bill amending the 10H Act to enlarge the area accessible to onshore wind farms is closer and closer to adoption
New rules for waste management in ports
Will the proposed changes to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act improve the real estate development process?
Offshore wind energy and planned amendments to the Maritime Areas Act
EU regulations will force the eco-design of sustainable products
The new EU Battery Regulation
Compensation for human rights violations in supply chains
Onshore wind power in Poland: Bill to amend the 10H Act gains momentum
Revolution in telecommunications services in prisons
Proposed new rules on international shipments of waste
Pregnancy register: Surveillance tool or technological advance?
New quality in healthcare? The Ministry of Health proposes changes
Polish Whistleblowing Act: What should employers expect?
Transfer pricing: The next amendment
Holding law: Proposed amendment to the Commercial Companies Code
Liability for binding instructions in the proposed holding law
The amended mechanism for extended producer responsibility—part I 
Proposed changes in transfer pricing regulations
The Polish Deal: Consolidation relief and changes in tax treatment of debt financing costs
Preferences for PIT payers investing in alternative investment companies and new conditions for the tax exemption for AICs from 2022
Proposed changes would increase tax burdens on top earners
Benefits for people returning from abroad, tax holidaymakers, and tax optimisers coming in from the cold
New tax regime for holding companies: Who will benefit from it?
New tax options for capital groups: VAT groups in Poland
Depreciation of real estate belonging to real estate companies
Amendments to the Investment Funds Act
“590 interpretation”: Investment agreement with the Minister of Finance for new investments
A chance for a resurgence of onshore wind power investments in Poland
Developers Guarantee Fund: More drawbacks than benefits?