Agata Matysiak
Can a waste incineration plant be a manufacturing facility?
environmental protection
Construction of a waste incineration plant is a complex undertaking. The investor must meet a number of regulatory requirements and obtain the relevant administrative decisions, including the building permit and the environmental decision preceding it. These can be obtained only if the project complies with the local zoning plan. In this context, it is often questioned whether an incineration plant can be built on land zoned for manufacturing.

Some thoughts on the compatibility of waste management with local zoning plans
environmental protection
The issue of the compatibility of a planned undertaking with the local zoning plan is complex, and some aspects of it have long raised questions. The problem is of great practical importance, and the approach of land-use authorities and the courts in a particular case often determines whether a development or certain activities can be carried out in a given area. This is particularly evident in the case of waste management projects.

PFAS: Pervasive forever chemicals
environmental protection, life sciences
PFAS is a collective name for some 5,000 chemical compounds widely used in industry and everyday items. They have a harmful effect on the environment and human health. Recently, they have been the subject of intense research by the European Chemicals Agency and the US Environmental Protection Agency. This is reflected in the growing number of regulations restricting their use. However, awareness of the harmfulness of these compounds seems to remain low, as evidenced by the small number of court cases in this area.

(R)evolution in packaging
ESG & sustainability, environmental protection, project
An end to the mass discarding of packaging and waste. Instead, recycling, refillable packaging, a deposit on plastic bottles and limits on disposable bags. Such changes are proposed in a new draft regulation of the European Commission. The changes are to be implemented gradually.

EU proposes Regulation on nature restoration
environmental protection, project, ESG & sustainability
In June 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for new legislative solutions to restore ecosystems and enhance biodiversity in Europe. This innovative set of provisions will require member states to design and implement specific measures to restore the damaged environment of the European Union.

One sea area and several projects
environmental protection, Province Administrative Court, maritime law
As economic activity in the Baltic Sea increases, there will be more situations where multiple undertakings are planned in the same area. Deciding on these cases can be challenging for the authorities and the administrative courts.

New rules for waste management in ports
environmental protection, project, maritime law
A government bill on port reception facilities for waste from ships (print no. 2223) was released in May 2022. The bill would implement into Polish law Directive (EU) 2019/883 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on port reception facilities for the delivery of waste from ships, and is intended to adapt Polish ports to global and local market requirements.

EU regulations will force the eco-design of sustainable products
ESG & sustainability, environmental protection, project
In late March, the European Commission published another package of proposals aimed at making the European Green Deal a reality. Some of the proposals relate to specific product categories, e.g. construction products and textiles, but there is also no shortage of proposals to make products more sustainable and environment-friendly.

Proposed new rules on international shipments of waste
environmental protection, project
In November, the European Commission adopted three legislative initiatives seeking to implement the aims of the European Green Deal. They include a proposal for a new regulation on shipments of waste.