Alina Kalinowska
Poland attracts foreign investors
According to the World Bank’s latest report, Doing Business 2017, Poland has once again advanced and now holds 24th place among 190 countries ranked in terms of how easy it is to do business there. And in EY’s European Attractiveness Survey 2016 Poland was recognised as the 5th most attractive FDI destination in Europe (1st in CEE). Poland’s main strengths are stable economic growth, a large consumer market, numerous tax incentives, and its location at the crossroads of major continental trade routes.

Special rules for taxation of investments in Belarus
Special economic zones, Hi-Tech Park Belarus, and the China-Belarus Industrial Park are just a few of the projects in Belarus offering highly favourable investment conditions, particularly in the area of taxation.

Starting a business in Belarus
With simplified registration procedures, it now takes just a day to establish a business in Belarus. When registration is based on documents from Poland, no additional legalisation is required.