Wardyński & Partners co-author Cambridge book on liability for climate change
A book devoted to legal liability for climate change has been published by Cambridge University Press. Lawyers from Wardyński & Partners authored the section involving Polish law.
Environmental impact of shale gas exploration and extraction
Before beginning to explore or extract shale gas, is it always necessary to conduct an environmental impact assessment?
Surcharge for emission of gas and particles into the atmosphere may be disputed
Additional fees are charged for failure to hold a required permit to emit gas or particles into the atmosphere, intake water, or discharge wastewater. May such fees be challenged?
The Commission proposes a regulation to increase the safety of offshore oil and gas operations
Exploration and mining of offshore oil and gas fields will be possible only by the operators that have appropriate technical and financial conditions, which would ensure recovery of costs associated with liability for any harm to the environment.
Acquirer's liability for contaminated property
Czy przepisy dopuszczają odpowiedzialność nabywcy nieruchomości za jej zanieczyszczenie także wtedy, gdy szkody nie spowodował, a nawet o niej nie wiedział?
Rights of social groups in the construction process
What proceedings do ecological organisations have a right to participate in?
When a corporate manager may be held criminally liable for pollution
Criminal liability for unlawful acts detrimental to the environment may be imposed not only on a company, but also on its managers.
A business does not always have to pay for pollution
It may be released not only by the passage of time, but also, for example, if the pollution was caused by another entity or resulted from compliance with an order by public authorities.
Millions for thermomodernisation
Minister środowiska zaakceptował kolejne listy przedsięwzięć zakwalifikowanych do dofinansowania ze środków pochodzących z handlu jednostkami przyznanej emisji (AAU).
Revolution in the communal waste management system
An amendment to the Act on Maintaining Cleanliness and Order in Communes which goes into effect in Poland on 1 January 2012 is expected to revolutionise the current system for communal waste management by local governments.
Poland seeks to overturn decision on CO2 emission limits
On 8 July 2011, Poland filed a challenge with the European Court of Justice against the decision by the European Commission concerning limits on free CO2 emission rights in industry.
New emission standards for installations
The new Regulation of the Minister of the Environment on Standards for Emissions from Installations went into force on 25 May 2011.