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Pending or announced changes in Polish law affecting the market
The latest edition of our publication offers a summary of changes across twenty areas of law, and is particularly valuable for identifying the targets of current and planned changes and outlining the potential consequences.
Pending or announced changes in Polish law affecting the market
Intellectual property protection on the cosmetics and perfumes market
Publication devoted to the issues of intellectual property protection and processes specific to the cosmetics and perfumes industry. We write about whether scent can be protected, whether distributors can be prohibited from selling luxury goods online, and the issues disputed between entities from the industry.
Intellectual property protection on the cosmetics and perfumes market
Outlook on law and business in Poland
We discuss trends in changes in the law, such as increased regulatory pressure and increased penalisation of commerce. These are illuminated by concrete examples from practice and conclusions concerning the consequences of these phenomena that can be expected to occur or are already happening.
Outlook on law and business in Poland
Practical M&A Guide
An overview of mergers and acquisitions in Poland. The process, structure and parties to M&A deals, legal restrictions and tax aspects, discussed clearly and accessibly. What to bear in mind, and what details require special focus.
Practical M&A Guide
Report: Blockchain, smart contracts and DAO
Blockchain technology holds vast potential that can only be unleashed with regulatory backing. Smart contracts and decentralised autonomous organisations can change the legal system as we know it while generating new models for the economy.
Report: Blockchain, smart contracts and DAO
Liability of public authorities
The topic of liability for damages on the part of public authorities is not widely known. Many people are not aware of the extensive rights at their disposal connected with actions by bodies of public authority. Consequently, injured parties often fail to pursue redress of losses suffered in connection with public administration.
Liability of public authorities
Exchange of tax information
All over the world, and in Poland as well, legal instruments are being developed and introduced to ensure automatic exchange of tax information on a global scale. What does this exchange involve, and what can the consequences be for taxpayers? We invite you to read and learn more about this issue.
Exchange of tax information
Tax aspects of inheritance and reprivatisation
Regaining property or receiving an inheritance often results in creation of a tax obligation. A publication prepared by the Private Client Practice discusses how the tax is calculated and when a tax exemption is available.
Tax aspects of inheritance and reprivatisation
Changes in the public procurement law
Poland did not manage to implement the EU’s new procurement directives on schedule, but contracting authorities are required to conduct proceedings in full compliance with EU law. Read about the changes introduced by the proposed amendment of the Public Procurement Law.
Changes in the public procurement law
Changes in trademark law
About radical changes in trademark law: letters of consent, the possibility of obtaining protection for trademarks containing the name of Poland, the new trademark registration system in Poland, and new rules governing the loss of protective rights to trademarks.
Changes in trademark law
Outsorcing in practice
Outsourcing continues to be an appealing solution for businesses. But for it to generate benefits rather than legal problems, a number of issues must be analysed—from the liability rules governing the parties to issues of state aid and data protection.
Outsorcing in practice
Problems with reprivatisation in Poland, the possibility that the State Treasury can obtain title by prescription to unlawfully taken real estate, delay in return of possession of property under the Warsaw Decree, and restitution of land used for allotment gardens.