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Price regulation on a competitive gas market
Setting rates for energy companies is not inconsistent with achieving competition on the energy market, but not all price interventions by regulators are legally permissible.
Price regulation on a competitive gas market
Better to file petition to enforce claim before the debtor is declared bankrupt
Sometimes creditors put off commencing an action to enforce a claim when it could worsen the debtor’s financial position. As a result, they must wait until the bankruptcy proceeding is over before filing suit.
Better to file petition to enforce claim before the debtor is declared bankrupt
Not every use of a trademark is sufficient to maintain registration rights
Placing a trademark on items given free-of-charge to customers does not constitute “genuine use” of a trademark required to maintain the registration.
Not every use of a trademark is sufficient to maintain registration rights
First judgment in favour of a customer who lost money on currency hedging
The court held that the bank misled the customer by failing to warn of the risk associated with currency forward contracts. But each claim must be considered on a case-by-case basis.
First judgment in favour of a customer who lost money on currency hedging
Court may not decide on its own about impartiality of judges
Barring an interlocutory appeal from an order of an appellate court denying a motion to recuse a judge is unconstitutional.
Court may not decide on its own about impartiality of judges
Tiffany to shoemaker: don't tread on me
A renowned trademark may be protected in Poland even if the mark is not used or registered here.
Tiffany to shoemaker: don't tread on me