UCITS IV Directive not implemented in time-what to do now?
The deadline for Poland to implement the EU’s revised investment fund regulations came and went on 30 June 2011, but since then the Ministry of Finance has published its initial proposal to codify UCITS IV.
A business does not always have to pay for pollution
It may be released not only by the passage of time, but also, for example, if the pollution was caused by another entity or resulted from compliance with an order by public authorities.
Sejm passes "Developers Act"
On 31 August 2011 the lower house of the Polish Parliament adopted the Act on Protection of the Rights of a Purchaser of a Residential Unit or Single-Family House, which is intended to improve the legal standing of customers of real estate developers.
Millions for thermomodernisation
Minister środowiska zaakceptował kolejne listy przedsięwzięć zakwalifikowanych do dofinansowania ze środków pochodzących z handlu jednostkami przyznanej emisji (AAU).
Revolution in the communal waste management system
An amendment to the Act on Maintaining Cleanliness and Order in Communes which goes into effect in Poland on 1 January 2012 is expected to revolutionise the current system for communal waste management by local governments.
Salary cut for protected employees
An employer may reduce the salary of an employee who works reduced hours instead of taking childrearing leave, the Polish Supreme Court ruled in the judgment dated 12 May 2011 (Case No. II PK 6/11).
Long-term employment of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian citizens in Poland
Solutions gradually being introduced to enable hiring in Poland of citizens of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, as well as Georgia and Moldova, are helpful mainly for short-term employment.
When may one shareholder be held liable for the obligation of another?
When acquiring shares in a Polish limited-liability company, the buyer should check the legal basis for any recent payments made to shareholders.
eBay on the blacklist
On 12 July 2011 the European Court of Justice issued a judgment concerning the use of trademarks on internet auction sites (L’Oréal SA v eBay International GmbH, Case C-324/09).
Notary need not check a document before confirming the signature
When confirming the signature on a document, a Polish notary is not required to review the lawfulness of the document itself—particularly in the case of documents from abroad or in a foreign language.
An end to evidentiary privilege for funds in relations with consumers
Fund statements no longer have the status of an official document in the event of a dispute with a client.
Poland seeks to overturn decision on CO2 emission limits
On 8 July 2011, Poland filed a challenge with the European Court of Justice against the decision by the European Commission concerning limits on free CO2 emission rights in industry.